: Db II
: Doğubeyazit
: Turkey
: Historic Armenia, Eastern Turkey
: 39° 32’ N, 44° 05’ E
: Persian, Urartian, Turkish, Seljuk, Ottoman, Georgian, Armenian
: Robert W. Edwards
1974 - 1983
: Color Transparencies, 1974, 83

Image Description
Db II.1

view NE at the fortress and outcrop of Doğubeyazit; the Selim Mosque S is in foreground (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.2

view N at the fortress and outcrop of Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.3

view N at Mr. Ararat from the fortress of Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.4

view NE at the fortress outcrop at Doğubeyazit (left) and the Īşakpaşa Saray (right) (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.5

view NW at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (right) (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.6

view SW at the entrance to the outer courtyard of the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.7

view SE from atop the minaret across the outer and inner courtyards(dungeon and guard rooms at far left) at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.8

view NW at the entrance to the inner courtyard at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.9

view NW at the entrance to the inner courtyard (detail of tree relief)at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.10

view NW at the entrance to the inner courtyard (detail of tree relief)at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.11

view NE from the center of the inner courtyard to the council chambers / reception hall at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.12

view NW from the center of the inner courtyard to the turbe and mosque at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.13

view N from the center of the inner courtyard to the turbe (right) and light wells for the tomb at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.14

view NW from the center of the inner courtyard to the turbe at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.15

view NW at the reliefs on the façade of the turbe at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.16

view N at a relief near the turbe at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.17

view W at the interior of the tomb at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.18

view SE at the interior of the mosque at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.19

view up at the ceiling in the mosque at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.20

view up into the central dome of the mosque at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.21

view W at the portal into the harem at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.22

view W at the upper half of the portal into the harem at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.23

view W at a relief flanking the portal into the harem at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.24

view W at the lion relief flanking the portal into the harem at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.25

view W at the interior of the reception hall for the harem at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.26

view SE at the interior of the reception hall for the harem at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.27

view SW at the interior of a residential room for the harem at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1983)

Db II.28

view W from atop the minaret to the residential rooms for the harem at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.29

view NW from atop the minaret to the residential rooms for the harem at the Īşakpaşa Saray in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

Db II.30

view NE from atop the minaret at the Īşakpaşa Saray (with Robert W. Edwards) toward the fortress in Doğubeyazit (Robert W. Edwards, 1974)

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