Cited References

Abbreviations for All Authors' Cited Bibliographical References


Aghtʽamar = Sirarpie Der Nersessian, Aghtʽamar, Church of the Holy Cross, Cambridge, Mass., 1965


Aght’amar 2 = Sirarpie Der Nercessian and Herman Vahramian, Aght’amar: La regione di Vaspourakan ed il complesso architettonico di Aght’amar - The Vaspourakan Region and the Aght’amar Monastery, Documenti di Architettura Armena - Documents of Armenian Architecture, vol. 8, Edizioni Ares, Milan, 1974


Akkale = Robert W. Edwards, “The Domed Mausoleum at Akkale in Cilicia,” Byzantinoslavica: Revue Internationale des Études Byzantines 50, 1989


Alahan = Mary Gough, ed., Alahan: An Early Christian Monastery in Southern Turkey, Toronto, 1985


Amida = Christina Maranci, “The Art and Architecture of Amida (Diarbekir) and Edessa (Urfa),” in Richard G. Hovannisian, ed., Armenian Tigranakert/Diarbekir and Edessa/Urfa, Costa Mesa, California, 2006


Anazarbos = R. Posamentir, “Anazarbos in Late Antiquity,” Archaeology and the Cities of Asia Minor in Late Antiquity, eds., O. Dally and C. Ratté, Ann Arbor, 2011


Anazarbus = M. Gough, “Anazarbus,” Anatolian Studies 2, 1952


Ani = Paolo Cuneo, Armen Zarian, Gabriella Uluhogian, Nichole Thierry, and Jean-Michel Thierry, Ani: L’architettura della città di Ani - The Architecture of the City of Ani, Documenti di Architettura Armena - Documents of Armenian Architecture, vol. 12, Edizioni Ares, Milan, 1984


Antioche =  P. Jacquot, Antioche, vol. 1, Antakya, 1931


Architecture = Vazken L. Parsegian, ed., Armenian Architecture: A Documented Photo-Archival Collection on Microfiche for the Study of Armenian Architecture of Transcaucasia and the Near- and Middle-East, from the Medieval Period Onwards, 8 vols., microfiche, Zug, 1980-1990

Architettura = Paolo Cuneo, L’Architettura della Scuola Regionale di Ani nell’Armenia Medievale, Rome, 1977


Armenia = Nicholas Adontz, Armenia in the Period of Justinian: The Political Conditions based on the Naxarar System, trans. with partial revisions, a bibliographical note and appendices by Nina Garsoïan, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Press, Lisbon, 1970

Armenian Art = Patrick Donabedian, and Jean-Michel Thierry, Armenian Art, New York, 1989

Arménie = Claude Mutafian, L’Arménie du Levant (XIe-XIVe Siècle), Paris, 2012, V. I, p. 617-620, 2 Vols

Arméniens = Gérard Dédéyan, Les Arméniens entre Grecs, Musulmans et Croisés: Etude sur les Pouvoirs Arméniens dans le Proche-Orient Méditerranéen (1068-1150), Lisbon, 2003, 2 Vols


Bağras = Robert W. Edwards, “Bağras and Armenian Cilicia: A Reassessment,” Revue des Études Arméniennes 17, 1983


Basilique = S. Eyice, “La basilique de Canbazli en Cilicie,” Zograf 10, 1979


Burgen = Hansgerd Hellenkemper, Burgen der Kreuzritterzeit in der Grafschaft Edessa und im Königreich Kleinarmenien, Rudolf Habelt Verlag GMBH, Bonn, 1976


Burgruine = W. Heffening, “Eine Burgruine im Taurus,” Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft 45, 1925


Byzantine = Anthony Bryer and David Winfield, The Byzantine Monuments and Topography of the Pontos, 2 vols., Dumbarton Oaks Studies Twenty, Dumbarton Oaks: Trustees for Harvard University, Washington D.C., 1985


Canbazlı = O. Feld, “Die Kirche in Canbazli in Rauhen Kilikien,” Festschrift für J. Langner, eds., K. Bauckers and A. Jaeggi, Münster, 1997


Castles = Wolfgang Muller-Wiener, Castles of the Crusaders, trans. J. Maxwell Brownjohn, Thames and Hudson Publishers, London, 1966


Châteaux = Régis Crozat, Châteaux oubliés et cités disparues: Sur les routes de l’Orient, Paris, 2016


Churches = Robert W. Edwards, “Two New Byzantine Churches in Cilicia,” Anatolian Studies 32, 1982


Cilician = The Cilician Kingdom of Armenia, ed., T. S. R. Boase, Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, 1978


Cilicie  = D. Feissel, “Deux grandes familles isauriennes du Ve siècle d’après des inscriptions de Cilicie Trachée,” Mitteilungen zur christlichen Archäologie 5, 1999


Commonality = James Petre, “Commonality in Crusader Construction in Armenian Cilicia and Cyprus: The Case for Kantara and the Catalyst of Korykos,” Crusader Landscapes in the Medieval Levant: The Archaeology and History of the Latin East, eds. M. Sinibaldi et al., University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 2016


Constantin =  Maxime Goepp, Claude Mutafian, et Agnès Ouzounian, “L’Inscription du Régent Constantin de Papeṙōn (1241),” Revue des Études Arméniennes 34, 2012


Crusader = Robin Fedden and John Thomson, Crusader Castles, John Murray Publishers, London, 1957


Doğubeyazit = Robert W. Edwards, “The Fortress at Doğubeyazit (Daroynk‘),” Revue des Études Arméniennes 18, 1984


Donjon = Robert W. Edwards, “The Crusader Donjon at Anavarza,” Abstracts of the 10thAnnual Byzantine Studies Conference, Cincinnati, 1984


Drazark = Jirair Christianian, “The Discovery of the Medieval Armenian Monastery of Drazark in Kıbrıslar, Cilicia”, Revue des Etudes Arméniennes 40, 2020


Eastern = Thomas A. Sinclair, Eastern Turkey: An Architectural and Archaeological Survey, 4 vols., The Pindar Press, London, 1987-1990


Ecclesiastical 1 = Robert W. Edwards, “Ecclesiastical Architecture in the Fortifications of Armenian Cilicia: First Report,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 36, 1982


Ecclesiastical 2 = Robert W. Edwards, “Ecclesiastical Architecture in the Fortifications of Armenian Cilicia: Second Report,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 37, 1983


Eerdmans = The Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Early Christian Art and Archaeology, 3 vols., ed., Paul C. Finney, William. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2017


Erzurum = Rahmi Unal, Les Monuments islamiques anciens de la ville d’ Erzurum et de sa région, Paris, 1963


Expedition = Robert W. Edwards, The Uncensored Account of the Perilous 1979 Expedition to Save Armenian Monuments in Cilicia, Turkey, Kindle Edition (Amazon Online), 2016

Forschungen  = Hansgerd Hellenkemper and Friedrich Hild, Neue Forschungen in Kilikien, Vienna, 1986


Fortifications = Robert W. Edwards, The Fortifications of Armenian Cilicia, Dumbarton Oaks Studies Twenty-Three, Dumbarton Oaks: Trustees for Harvard University, Washington D.C., 1987


Fortificazioni = F. De’Maffie, “Fortificazioni di Giustiniano sul limes orientale. Monumente e fonti,” The 17th International Byzantine Congress, Major Papers, Washington D.C., 1986


Geography = W. M. Ramsay, The Historical Geography of Asia Minor, Royal Geographical Society, London, 1890, reprint: New York, 1972


Hierapolis= M. Sayar et al., Inschriften aus Hierapolis-Kastabala, Vienna, 1989

Hoṙomos = Jean-Michel Thierry, Le Couvent Arménien d’Hoṙomos, Louvain, 1980


Iranica =  Encyclopaedia Iranica, 45 vols., eds. E. Yarshater and Elton Daniel, Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation, New York, 1985-2019 


Isauria = S. Hill, The Early Byzantine Churches of Cilicia and Isauria, Aldershot, 1966


Islam = Encyclopedia of Islam, 2nd ed., 4 vols., eds. M. Th. Houtsma et al., 1954-2005


Karatepe = Helmut T. Bossert and U. Bahadır Alkım, Karatepe: Kadirli ve dolayları, Pulhan Basimevi, Istanbul, 1947


Karin = Christina Maranci, “The Architecture of the Karin/Erzerum Region,” in Richard G. Hovannisian, ed.,  Armenian Karin/Erzerum, Costa Mesa, California, 2003


Kars = Jean Michel Thierry, La Cathédrale des Saints-Apôtres de Kars, Louvain, 1963

Kıbrıslar = Hülya Yüceer, Melik Efeoğluy, and Fatma Zoroğlu, “Kozan Kıbrıslar Köyü Cami: Kırsal Alanda Kiliseden Camiye Dönüştürülmüş Bir Yapının Mimari Analizi,” Adana Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisivol.1.1, July 2018

Kilikien = J. Gottwald, “Burgen und Kirchen im mittleren Kilikien,” Byzantinische Zeitschrift 41, 1941

Kilikien und Isaurien = Friedrich Hild and Hansgerd Hellenkemper, Kilikien und Isaurien, Vienna, 1990

Kilise = Hülya Yüceer, “Adana ve Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta Yer Alan Camiye Dönüştürülmüş Kilise Yapıları Üzerine Bir Karşılaştırmalı Çalışma,” Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mirmarlık Falültesi Dergisi, vol. 31.2, December 2016

Korykos = E. Herzfeld and S. Guyer, Meriamlik und Korykos, vol. 2, Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, Manchester, 1930


Lampron = F. C. R. Robinson and P. C. Hughes, “Lampron – Castle of Armenian Cilicia,” Anatolian Studies 19, 1969


Legacy = David Kertmenjian, “Armenian City Quarters and the Architectural Legacy of the Pontus,” in Richard G. Hovannisian, ed.,  Armenian Pontus: The Trebizond-Black Sea Communities, Costa Mesa, California, 2009


Lewon = Samvel Grigoryan, “Named for Lewon the Young: The Medieval Name and Date of Construction of Yılankale,” Revue des Études Arméniennes 37, 2016-2017


Location = Samvel Grigoryan, “The location of Drazark”, Handes Amsorya, No. 1-12, Vienna, 2017

Mamluks = Angus Donal Stewart, The Armenian Kingdom and the Mamluks: War and Diplomacy during the Reigns of Het’um II (1289-1307), Brill: Leiden, 2001


Marchlands 1 = Robert W. Edwards, “Medieval Architecture in the Oltu-Penek Valley: A Preliminary Report on the Marchlands of Northeast Turkey,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 39, 1985


Marchlands 2 = Robert W. Edwards, “The Fortifications of Artvin: A Second Preliminary Report on the Marchlands of Northeast Turkey,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 40, 1986


Marchlands 3 = Robert W. Edwards, “The Vale of Kola: A Final Preliminary Report on the Marchlands of Northeast Turkey,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 42, 1988

Miniature = Sirarpie Der Nersessian, Miniature Painting in the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia from the Twelfth to the Fourteenth Century, Dumbarton Oaks Studies 31, Washington, D.C., 1987


Ornamental Art = Armen Kyurkchyan and Hrair Hawk Khatcherian, Armenian Ornamental Art, Yerevan, 2010

Paintings = G. Millet and Talbot Rice, Byzantine Paintings in Trabzon, London, 1938


Pontos = Robert W. Edwards, “The Garrison Forts of the Pontos: The Case for the Diffusion of the Armenian Paradigm,” Revue des Études Arméniennes 19, 1985


Reallexikon  = Reallexikon zur byzantinischen Kunst, 7 vols., eds., Klaus Wessel and Marcell Restle, Anton Hiersemann Publishers, Stuttgart, 1966-2019


Reise = Theodor Kotschy, Reise in der cilicischen Taurus, Gotha, 1858


Şebinkarahisar = Robert W. Edwards, “The Fortress of Şebinkarahisar,” Corso di Cultura sull’Arte Ravennate e Bizantina 32, 1985


Séléfké = J. Langendorf and G. Zimmermann, “La forteresse de Séléfké (Turquie),” Genava 12, 1964


Servantikar = Paul Deschamps, “Le chateau de Servantikar en Cilicie,” Syria 18, 1937


Settlements = Robert W. Edwards, “Settlements and Toponymy in Armenian Cilicia,” Revue des Études Arméniennes 24, 1993


Sissouan = Fr. Ghevond Alishan, Sissouan ou l’Arméno-Cilicie. Description géographique et historique, Venice, 1899

Smbat = Gérard Dédéyan, La Chronique Attribuée au Connétable Smbat, Paris, 1980


Studien = S. Eyice, “Akkale,” Studien zur spätantiken und byzantinischen Kunst, eds. O. Feld and U. Peschlow, vol. 1, Bonn, 1986


Tamrut = Jirair Christianian, “The Inscription at Tamrut Castle: The Case for a Revision of Armenian History,” Le Muséon 132 (1-2), 2019


Tao = Nicole Thierry, “Les peintures historiques d’Oškʼi (Tʼao),” Revue des Études Géorgiennes et Caucasiennes 2, 1986


Three = G. R. Youngs, “Three Cilician Castles,” Anatolian Studies 15, 1965


Til = J. Gottwald, “Die Burg Til im südöstlichen Kilikien,” Byzantinische Zeitschrift 40, 1940


Trabzon = Robert W. Edwards, “Armenian and Byzantine Religious Practices in Early Fifteenth-Century Trabzon,” Revue des Études Arméniennes 23, 1992


Vahga = J. G. Dunbar and W. W. M. Boal, “The Castle at Vahga,” Anatolian Studies 14, 1964


Yılan = Robert W. Edwards, “On the Supposed Date of Yılan Kalesi,” Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, 1, 1984

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