: Şavşat
: Turkey
: The Marchlands, Northeastern Turkey
: 41° 14’ N, 42° 21’ E
: Georgian, Armenian

Şavşat [Arab: Šaušīt; Lat: Savsethia; Georg: Šavšetʽi; Arm: Šawšētʽ or Šawšedkʽ] is a large garrison fortress, primarily of Georgian construction (4th – 12th c) with a period of Armenian occupation.  Its circuit walls and salients completely surround the summit of the outcrop.  The remains of a chapel preserve part of a barrel vault and apsidal window.  This site guarded an alternative route between Artvin and Ardahan as well as a road into Georgia.


Ref: Marchlands 2, pp. 174-176; Armenia, pp. 117*, 123*, 177*.


Additional photos are in the first reference above.

(Site description written and references compiled by Robert W. Edwards)

: Šaušīt, Savsethia, Šavšetʽi, Šawšētʽ, Šawšedkʽ, Shavshet, Shoshet, Շաւշէթ, Շաւշեդք, შავშეთი, Savsat

Site Album Images Description Author Year Cultures
Site Plan(s)
Robert W. Edwards
Georgian, Armenian
B&W Photographs
Robert W. Edwards
Georgian, Armenian
Color Transparencies
Robert W. Edwards
Georgian, Armenian