: Babaoğlan
: Turkey
: Cilicia, South-Central Turkey
: 37° 14’ N, 36° 11’ E
: Late Antique, Armenian, Byzantine

Babaoğlan is a large garrison fortress of late antique, Byzantine, and Armenian construction.  Its three wards (or baileys) are preceded at the north by a precipitous outwork.  A formidable tower guards access to the upper ward which contains two circular rooms with tiled floors.  This site is located on the eastern edge of Cilicia Pedias near Amuda and has clear inter-visibility with the fortresses at Bodrum, Çardak, and Anavarza.  An Armenian-period settlement and chapel are located below the fortress outcrop.


Ref: Fortifications, pp. 84-87; Settlements, pp. 191-193; Expedition, Ch. 18; Karatepe, pp. 24; Burgen, pp. 135-136; Châteaux, pp. 50-51.


(Site description written and references compiled by Robert W. Edwards)

: Babaoglan

Site Album Images Description Author Year Cultures
Site Plan(s)
Robert W. Edwards
Late Antique, Armenian, Byzantine
Color Transparencies
Robert W. Edwards
Late Antique, Armenian, Byzantine
B&W Photographs
Robert W. Edwards
Late Antique, Armenian, Byzantine