: Mazılık
: Turkey
: Cilicia, South-Central Turkey
: 37° 30’ N, 35° 28’ E
: Late Antique, Armenian, Byzantine

Mazılık is a late antique / Byzantine town with at least one partially preserved basilica.  Columns with simple capitals divided the two-storey nave and apse from the aisles and flanking apsidioles.  A carefully built entrance leads below the church into a network of caves, which may have functioned as a mausoleum.  This site is located on a southern route into Cilicia Pedias near the eastern edge of the Vale of Karsantı and was occupied in the medieval period.


Ref: Churches, pp. 23-29; Expedition, Ch. 4.


Additional photos are in the reference above.

(Site description written and references compiled by Robert W. Edwards)

: Mazilik

Site Album Images Description Author Year Cultures
Site Plan(s)
Robert W. Edwards
Late Antique, Armenian, Byzantine
Color Transparencies
Robert W. Edwards
Late Antique, Armenian, Byzantine