: Sarı Seki
: Turkey
: Cilicia, South-Central Turkey
: 36° 39’ N, 36° 14’ E
: Crusader, Mamluk

Sarı Seki is a garrison fortress of Crusader (Templar) construction presently located inside a modern military base.  It is strategically positioned above the Mediterranean Sea at the northwest entrance to the Belen Pass between Iskenderun (Alexandretta) and Syria.


Ref: Fortifications, pp. 215-216; Cilician, pp. 173, 178; K. Otto-Dorn, “Islamische Denkmäler Kilikiens,” Jahrbuch fur kleinasiatische Forschung, 2.2, 1952, pp. 116-117.


No plan was executed.

(Site description written and references compiled by Robert W. Edwards)

: Sari Seki

Site Album Images Description Author Year Cultures
B&W Photographs
Robert W. Edwards
Crusader, Mamluk