: Gs I
: Gözne
: Turkey
: Cilicia, South-Central Turkey
: 36° 59’ N, 34° 34’ E
: Armenian
: Robert W. Edwards
: Color Transparencies

Image Description
Gs I.1

view NW at the exterior of the West Tower (which functioned as a donjon) in the fortified estate house at Gösne (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Gs I.2

view E at the exterior of the west entrance to the West Tower in the fortified estate house at Gösne (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Gs I.3

view S at the exterior of the West Tower in the fortified estate house at Gösne (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Gs I.4

view SE at the exterior of the west wall and entrance to the East Building in the fortified estate house at Gösne (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Gs I.6

view NW at the exterior of the east wall of the East Building in the fortified estate house at Gösne (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Gs I.7

view NW at the exterior of the southeast tower of the East Building in the fortified estate house at Gösne (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Gs I.8

view SE at the interior of a window in the east wall of the East Building in the fortified estate house at Gösne (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Gs I.9

view NW at the outcrop and fortified estate house at Gösne (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Gs I.10

view NW at an Aramaic inscription marking a land boundary south of the fortified estate house at Gösne (Ref: Journal of the American Oriental Society, v. 28, 1907 pp. 163ff) (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

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