: Fn II
: Fındıklı
: Turkey
: Cilicia, South-Central Turkey
: 37° 55’ N, 36° 25’ E
: Armenian
: Robert W. Edwards
: B&W Photographs

Image Description
Fn II.1

view N at the base of the south tower in the fortress of Fındıklı (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Fn II.2

view NE at the base of the south tower in the fortress of Fındıklı (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Fn II.3

view SE at the interior of the south tower in the fortress of Fındıklı (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Fn II.4

view S at the remains of the northeast circuit in the fortress of Fındıklı (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Fn II.5

view S along the west face of the fortress of Fındıklı above the scarped stairs (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

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