: Bl I
: Belen Keşlik
: Turkey
: Cilicia, South-Central Turkey
: 36° 58’ N, 34° 33’ E
: Armenian
: Robert W. Edwards
: Color Transparencies

Image Description
Bl I.1

view N at fortified estate house of Belen Keşlik (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Bl I.2

view NE at fortified estate house of Belen Keşlik (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Bl I.3

view NW at fortified estate house of Belen Keşlik (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Bl I.4

view NE at the entrance to the fortified estate house of Belen Keşlik (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Bl I.5

view W at the exterior of the fortified estate house of Belen Keşlik (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Bl I.6

view SW at the northeast corner of the fortified estate house of Belen Keşlik (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Bl I.7

view SW at the fortified estate house of Belen Keşlik (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

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