: Ki II
: Kız (near Dorak / Durak railway station)
: Turkey
: Cilicia, South-Central Turkey
: 37° 09’ N, 34° 58’ E
: Crusader, Armenian
: Robert W. Edwards
: B&W Photographs

Image Description
Ki II.1

view W at the estate house and the lower circuit wall at Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.2

view NW at the east face of the estate house at Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.3

view NE at the west face of the estate house at Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.4

view E at the west face of the estate house at Kız near the junction of Chambers B and C (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.5

view E at the vertical chase in the west face of the estate house at Kız near Dorak; the chase feeds Cistern A (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.6

view W at the base of the south wall of the estate house at Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.7

view NE from the estate house at the interior of the single bailey at Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.8

view SE from the estate house at the interior of the single bailey at Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.9

view NE at the exterior of the northwest circuit wall near Salient F in the estate house of Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.10

view NW at the interior of Chamber C2 in the estate house of Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.11

view SE at the interior of C2 in the estate house of Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.12

view NE at the interior of the southeast window / door in the east wall of Chamber C3 at the estate house of Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.13

view NW at the interior of the north wall of Chamber C3 in the estate house of Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.14

view S at the interior of the south wall in Chamber C3 at the estate house of Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.15

view N into the niche in the north wall of Chamber B1 at the estate house of Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.16

view S at the interior of the window in Chamber A1 in the estate house of Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.17

view NW at the south door to Chamber C2 from Chamber B2 in the estate house of Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.18

view NE at a cross relief in the northeast corner of Chamber B2 in the estate house of Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Ki II.19

view NE at the northeast corner of Chamber A3 in the estate house of Kız near Dorak (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

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