: Br II
: Bağras
: Turkey
: Cilicia, South-Central Turkey
: 36° 25’ N, 36° 13’ E
: Arab, Crusader, Armenian, Byzantine, Mamluk
: Robert W. Edwards
: B&W Photographs

Image Description
Br II.1

view NW at the exterior of Tower B in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.2

view NW at the interior of Tower B in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.3

view N through north door of Tower B into Chamber C in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.4

view NE into the northeast corner of Chamber AA in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.5

view SE into the southeast corner of Chamber AA in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.6

view W at the interior of Corridor J in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.7

view N at the north wall of Corridor L (note clay pipe in thickness of wall; tape = 1 meter) in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.8

view NW at the interior of the north door in Chamber M in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.9

view S at the interior of the south embrasure in Chamber M in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.10

view SE at the interior of the door in Chamber M which leads to corridor L in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.11

view S from the interior of Chamber N toward Chamber M in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.12

view E at the interior of Chamber O (tape = 1 meter) in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.13

view N at the interior of Chamber O in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.14

view SE at the exterior of Chamber O in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.15

view SE at the exterior of Chamber O (detail) in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

Br II.16

view SW at the exterior at Chamber O (photo taken in alignment with aqueduct); exterior of Q4 is in upper right corner in the castle of Bağras (Robert W. Edwards, 1979)

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